作(zuò)為(wèi)西(xī)南(nán)地(dì)區(qū)頂尖的(d'→₹e)“商業(yè)視(shì)覺系統化(huà)服務商”,立業(yè)至£₩÷今,九天始終秉承“創意&rdquo<ε";與“呈現(xiàn)”并行(xíng)的(de)雙峰策略。運用(yòng× )全球化(huà)視(shì)野與優秀的(de)創意制✔₩÷(zhì)作(zuò)資源,九天為(wèi)廣大(d≠✘σà)品牌客戶提供了(le)數(shù)以百計(jì)的(de≠&∏)影(yǐng)像作(zuò)品,幫助客戶在複雜(zá)多(duō)變±↑♣的(de)市(shì)場(chǎng)環境中脫穎而出。
我們與國(guó)內(nèi)外(wài)諸多(duō)優秀導演擁有(yǒu)緊密的(de$®)合作(zuò)關系,并在北(běi)京←₽∞×、上(shàng)海(hǎi)、廣州等地(dì)設有(yǒu)分(f∑®ēn)支機(jī)構确保項目快(kuài)速、高(gāo)效、準确的(de)執行(< xíng)。我們長(cháng)期與國(guó)內(nèi)外(wài)βπ知(zhī)名企業(yè)、品牌代理(lǐ)公司、公關媒介平台等保持良好(hǎ↕'™♦o)合作(zuò)關系并長(cháng)期向業(yè)♣≈內(nèi)提供TVC廣告、電(diàn)影✘∑(yǐng)、電(diàn)視(shì)劇(jù)、高(gāo)端平面等拍(&'≤§pāi)攝的(de)核心場(chǎng)地(dì)、硬件(jiàn)及技( →©jì)術(shù)支持。
JIUTIAN Culture Media, founded in ≠§1997, is based in Cho↕ngqing and radiates throughou≠±→t the country.
As a top "Commercial Visual Systematization←→♣ Service Provider" in t♣↑αhe southwest China, JIUTIAN has always ad≈ "φhered to the Dual Peak Strategy of ↕¥ π"Creativity" and "Presentation" since its es>≠←tablishment. By utilizing a₹∏λ★ global perspective and excellent creative produ&↑&§ction resources, JIUTIAN has prov©φ×$ided hundreds of image works "to its brand customers, helping them stand out in≥→♦ the complex and ever-changing market.
JIUTIAN focuses on customizing integrated c∏≠ommunication solutions for customer ®s in a comprehensive and full process manner, wh∞±> ilst possessing international advan ≈®♣ced visual operation managementβ experience and processes.
We have close cooperation with many excellent di₩>¶↑rectors both domestically and internationally, a ≈₽↓nd have branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzho★∏€u, and other places to ensure t↑↑ he fast, efficient, and accurate execution λ₹εof projects. We have long maintained good coop₩♦erative relationships with well-known domestic♣± and foreign enterprises, brand'λ ∏ agency companies, public relations meα©©$dia platforms, and ha₹>ve been providing core venues, hardware, a↑☆nd technical support for TVC advertising, ☆movies and TV dramas, high end graphic phot©λσ≈ography, etc.